Hello, and thank you for visiting The Kashar Law Firm’s website. I am Jennifer Kashar, a personal injury lawyer and native Texan who is committed to serving the residents of Mesquite, Texas who have been injured due to the negligence of another, whether intentional or unintentional. I provide legal counsel with experience that spans 18 years of litigation background. My areas of expertise are many and varied. The Kashar Law Firm represents claimants in the Mesquite area who have been injured due to dog bites, drunk-drivers, falls and spills, or whose lives have been dramatically altered due to wrongful death tragedies or traumatic brain injuries.
Insurance companies employ powerful in-house attorneys who work feverishly to minimize outgoing disbursements for claimants such as yourself, and that is unacceptable to me! As a personal injury attorney it is my goal to fight for your rights and work towards you receiving the maximum amount of monetary compensation you are legally allowed. I bring 18 years of personal injury experience to the table, and I know insurance companies inside and out. In fact, the first 9 years of my professional career were devoted to protecting insurance companies from claims against them. I acted as a defense attorney on their behalf. This has worked in my favor since my inside experience has provided me with an understanding which provides my clients with a distinct advantage. Because of my unique insight, the covert schemes of insurance giants is no well-kept secret with me. I am very intimately acquainted with their strategies, and because of that, my clients can expect to receive every penny of compensation they are due.
Dallas is my hometown, so I feel a sense of loyalty when representing families in the Mesquite, Texas area and helping them establish closure and normalcy once again. I encourage you to call my office, regardless of the severity of your injury. I can determine the validity of your case and how you might qualify for compensation. The Kashar Law Firm is only a phone call away. Keep in mind, your initial consultation is free of charge!
The Kashar Law Firm strives to cater to the needs of Mesquite residents on a continuous basis by offering assistance all day, every day, 24/7. We provide a phone-support service that readily meets the needs of both English and Spanish-speaking clients.
Serving you is our business. Here are 3 more important details you will want to know:
The Kashar Law Firm handles a vast array of personal injury cases. Below, you will find a helpful summary of some of the accident situations our firm handles on a continual basis.
When any type of commercial vehicle is part of an accident, legal issues can become very complicated, and are not handled in the same way as automobile accidents. When truck accidents lead to injuries, the parties involved require the experience of a seasoned personal injury attorney who will aggressively tackle the complex legal nuances. Give The Kashar Law Firm a call and we will provide a cost-free analysis of your situation.
According to MADD, drunk drivers make the choice to ‘put the pedal to the metal’ on America’s roadways approximately 300,000 times a day! If you have been victimized by an accident caused by a drunk driver, The Kashar Law Firm will work closely with you to determine any monetary compensation. Call us for a complimentary consultation!
Even small accidents can result in large medical bills. It is prudent to contact an attorney as quickly as possible regardless of the size of any accident you have experienced. Call our office today, and allow us to analyze your situation to determine any possible disbursement. We will provide the clarity you need to move forward.
No one is immune to slips and falls, but when they happen on someone else’s property, legal issues can ensue. Slick bowling alley flooring, an ice-covered pavement in front of a grocery store, or a freshly mopped area at a shopping mall can all lead to injuries which can justify monetary payments for the injured parties. If you or a family member has suffered a slip or fall, call us today.
According to the National Canine Research, 1,000 serious dog bites occur each day in the U.S. that are severe enough to justify emergency room visits. Additionally, in 2013, the average pay-out amount by insurance companies for dog bite claims was over $28,000.00! If any member of your family has become the unfortunate recipient of a dog-bite, contact The Kashar Law Firm immediately.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention states that “one pedestrian becomes a victim of a pedestrian-related accident every 7 minutes.” Whether you have been injured by a car, mobile IV van, truck, golf cart or even a bicycle, we will determine your legal rights.
Wrongful deaths can be the result of any number of unfortunate scenarios including medical malpractice, defective retail products, improperly maintained roadways and malfunctioning car parts to name only a few. Wrongful deaths are tragic and unexpected. The Kashar Law Firm is here to help assist with the myriad of details that can feel excruciatingly overwhelming. You are not alone, and we are here to help.
Motorcycle accidents can result in the complete loss of a cycle in addition to exorbitant medical bills due to injuries. Additionally, those injuries can contribute to lost wages. If you have been involved in this type of accident, you will require the legal counsel of an expert in the field. Contact The Kashar Law Firm today to determine any possible monetary restitution.
The number of on-going automobile accidents is disturbingly high. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration states that 20 to 50 million people are injured or disabled in car accidents, annually! Automobile accident claims inundate insurance companies every day. The goal of insurance companies is to limit any monetary coverage for claimants. This is where The Kashar Law Firm flexes its muscles, since aggressively combating unfair insurance practices for the sake of our clients is our job, our goal, and our passion. We want you to receive the largest payout possible!
Bus accident claims can become extremely complex. You can rest assured The Kashar Law Firm has the experience to guide you through all the logistics involved. Take advantage of our cost-free case evaluation, and we will let you know where you stand legally.
Brain injuries can be catastrophic. A family’s sense of normalcy can be altered, in some cases permanently. If your family has experienced this type of tragedy resulting from an accident, please contact us immediately. Though we do not have the ability to reverse the injury, our firm does have the ability to uncompromisingly make sure the insurance company distributes every dollar your family deserves due to this type of situation. Sit down with us, and we will discuss all your legal options.
The Kashar Law Firm is proud to serve the residents of Mesquite, Texas. We do not allow our Innova clients to fall victim to the questionable strategies of powerful defense attorneys working on behalf of insurance companies. The Kashar Law Firm will fight for your rights and remain your powerful ally throughout the entire litigation process!
Contact me today for a free case evaluation. No attorney’s fees or expenses unless you recover.