Hello, and thank you for visiting our website! I am Jennifer Kashar; and I am an attorney for The Kashar Law Firm serving Garland, Texas clients. My area of expertise lies with personal injury claims. If you or a loved one has experienced an accident-related injury that could have been directly or indirectly caused by someone else, then you have come to the right place! Perhaps you are feeling anxious regarding who you can turn to with your personal injury situation. The Kashar Law Firm is here to offer advice, support and encouragement; and my ultimate goal is to achieve an outcome for my clients that is fairly and fully-compensated.
My law career spans 18 years of personal injury litigation experience; and I have a unique advantage in this arena since I worked as a defense attorney for an insurance company for 9 years. Having performed in that very specialized position, I am uniquely qualified and acutely aware of the types of strategic maneuverings insurance companies will employ to minimize their losses. It is here where the insurance attorneys will attempt whatever they can to see to it that claimants, such as yourself, receive the most minimal reimbursement, possible. Their bag of tricks is intended to be very cost-effective for their insurance company clients. My purpose, on the other hand, is to maximize your compensation as much as the law will allow. My in-depth awareness, of how insurance company attorneys can scheme and plot, provides my clients with a distinct advantage!
I am a native of Texas and was born and raised in the Dallas area and continue to call Texas my home. I am licensed to practice law not only in Texas but in Florida, as well.
Because insurance companies are large and powerful, they can hire top-notch defense lawyers to represent them. All too often, individuals who have experienced a personal injury of some type end up becoming victimized twice—one time through the accident and a second time due to insurance attorneys making every effort to diminish outgoing payments to those who have filed a claim. The Kashar Law Firm is dedicated to combating this type of objectionable practice; and it is my objective to see to it that you receive every penny you are due!
Below, you will find information highlighting what you can expect from my firm to comprehensively and efficiently address your personal injury concerns. To begin with, here are a few things I would like you to be aware of:
There are a number of different types of personal injury situations; and each one is unique in its own right. Not all cases are handled precisely the same. As you read the brief descriptions below, you will probably discover a narrative that addressees your particular situation.
The Kashar Law Firm’s expertise in personal injury is all-encompassing, and includes the following:
When accident claims arise concerning commercial vehicles, the legal process can become more complex when compared to automobile accident claims. With The Kashar Law Firm on your side, you will not need to deal with the myriad of details involved; that is our job! Call for a free consultation regarding your situation.
Tragedy on any roadway can occur at any time due to drivers who are under the influence of alcohol. If a drunk-driving incident caused you or a family member any type of injury–regardless of how small it may seem–call us immediately! We will sit down with you to discuss what your legal options are. Your free consultation can be arranged today.
No one is immune to accidents; and, unfortunately, they take their toll in a variety of ways, every minute of every day. Even minor accidents can seem harmless, at first, but seemingly benign effects of an accident can turn into medical complications weeks or months down the road. If no insurance claim is made, the victim can be left with sizable and unexpected pharmacy and medical bills later on. Do not assume your accident is too small to be legally addressed. Call today and we will go over all the details.
Retail locations, homes, construction sites, office areas and any other location can become an environment where slips and falls can easily occur. Sometimes it is no one’s fault, but that does not mean you would not be eligible for a monetary settlement. The Kashar Law Firm can give you the answers you are looking for.
Dog bites can be very serious. Not only physical trauma, but emotional trauma can result. If this type of injury has occurred with you or a loved one, call us right away; and we will discuss what your legal channels are.
Shockingly, a crash-related accident involving a pedestrian occurs once every 8 minutes in the U.S.! If this type of injury has affected you or a member of your family, now is the time to contact The Kashar Law Firm!
The untimely death of anyone is a tragedy that can be psychologically devastating for decades. You need to know where you stand, legally; and The Kashar Law Firm will provide you with answers and assistance that can, hopefully, contribute towards the healing for everyone involved. Your answers to your situation are only a phone call away; and we will work closely with you.
If a motorcycle was involved in an injury that you or a family member became a part of, you could be faced with enormous medical bills, lost wages due to injuries and/or damage to the motorcycle itself. The details of your incident can be discussed in our law office at no charge to you during our initial visit.
As unbelievable as it may seem, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety tells us that on average, about 100 people die each day due to car accidents in the United States! Because of that disturbing statistic, insurance companies shell out a lot of money to compensate injured parties or the families who have lost loved ones due to this type of catastrophe. The Kashar Law Firm will make sure you receive every penny you or other members of your family rightfully deserve!
As a reminder, I was a defense attorney for an insurance company for 9 years; and I have the insight which allows me to fully understand how insurance company attorneys will manipulate and maneuver in order to best serve their clients’ interests! My goal will be to maximize your monetary allowance by making sure the insurance companies do not line their pockets with money that would be rightfully yours. The Kashar Law Firm is on your side! Give us a call today.
Bus accident claims fall into a category where complicated legal details can become daunting. Injury claims that deal with public and private bus transportation require the kind of expertise that the The Kashar Law Firm can offer. Call to schedule a free consultation to discuss your particular situation.
When brain trauma is a result of an injury-related accident, the devastation, anger and heartache can last a lifetime: and the physical and mental consequences for the victim can be forever life-altering. The Kashar Law Firm is here to help you! Though monetary restitution cannot heal brain injuries, it can provide comfort and relief knowing medical bills and other expenses can be fully covered.
The Kashar Law Firm accommodates the legal needs for the residents of Garland, Texas for a reason: we want to assist families with getting their lives back after having experienced a personal injury or injuries that have taken their toll, both physically and emotionally. The Kashar Law Firm can serve as your ally during this difficult time in your life.
And as a recap, please remember:
Contact me today for a free case evaluation. No attorney’s fees or expenses unless you recover.