No Fees or Expenses Unless You Recover!


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Jennifer Kashar

Dallas-Fort Worth Personal Injury Attorney

I am a personal injury lawyer dedicated to helping you. Whether you have been injured in a car accident or have suffered a fall, I can help you make the insurance company pay you what you are entitled to. As a former insurance defense attorney, I know how the insurance companies work.

Cases we handle

Every client deserves equal representation regardless of the size or nature of the case.

Below are some examples of the types of cases we handle. If you have a legal matter or case that you think we could assist with, you can contact The Kashar Law Firm, P.C. for free with no obligation.

Just give us a call or use the form on the right.

Evaluate my case

Free consultation
We’ll come to you!

Contact me today for a free case evaluation. No attorney’s fees or expenses unless you recover.

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